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coaching method
Three Principles
of Mikiko's coaching
3. accountability
1. education
2. individuality

Knowledge is essential for maintaining control over your body. Mikiko’s sessions are highly educational, guiding you to uncover unconscious habits and understand the reasons behind them.
Every body is unique, and every day is different. Mikiko uses the latest science as a guide to suit your individual needs.
Her programmes are carefully adjusted to match your condition each day, so they are effective and stress-free.
Starting a new habit is much easier with support. Mikiko becomes your teammate, working alongside you to achieve your fitness goals. Your journey becomes more enjoyable as you celebrate positive changes and share the joy with someone who’s right there with you.
Holistic Approach

A holistic approach means looking at the whole picture of health, rather than focusing on just one aspect.
When working with you, Mikiko considers seven key elements. Some of these can be improved during training sessions, others require adjustments to your daily habits, and some need to be carefully managed to support a healthy, balanced life.

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